

Apple CEO: amazon does not pose a threat to new iPad
According to foreign media reported yesterday, though amazon Kindle Fire to market, but a rival apple doesn't seem nervous. Apple CEO Tim

cook and CFO Peter Oppenheimer,Wholesale New Era Hats has expressed that, this kind of amazon to iPad tablet computer will not constitute a real threat.
It is reported, Kindle Fire on November 15, will be released, can be purchased for $199. Reports cited a barclays capital analyst Ben

Reitzes, said the two executives communicate with him in, all think andros operating system based on amazon Kindle Fire won't be iPad

killer, it will further aggravate the differentiation of the two fields.
The analysts also say, although the price of 199 dollar has seemingly damage, but amazon products will only intensify tablet computer market

differentiation. And at the same time in andros compatible, this product to support the application of amazon's products. He also said apple

think, the serious andros system differentiation the more good, because this can drive more consumers turn to stable apple platform.
Apple executives in stock awards wholesale Cheap sunglasses
Apple last Friday to the SEC submit documents show, the company gives more than in the days of executives huge restricted shares, their 2016

years ago is still in the apple inauguration, stock can do all right.
50% of the shares in 2013 thaw, the rest of the stock 2016 thaw out. Analysis points out, the move to retain talent jobs after death.

