
Greece's prime minister wanted a longer Greece to repay the loan time limit aid

Xinhua net Helsinki on February 23 report is the Greek prime minister visit Finland PaPanDeLiOu 23, said in Helsinki,Audio Video Cables Greek hope to extend its repay the European Union and international monetary fund loan terms. PaPanDeLiOu in Finland NieMi talks with prime minister gil after a news conference said that in the past year,mobile chargers the Greek government has for pension system, tax system and public administration system reform of a large, deep cuts in spending. The Greek hope to prolong repay the European Union and international monetary fund loan terms. PaPanDeLiOu also stressed that Greece will own with pay back all the loans. NieMi gil, says that the eu countries are for stabilizing the financial market measures,cell phone charger which may include for stable Greece, the situation of the "problem" country of new arrangement. Since the end of 2009, the Greek debt crisis outbreak of severe, its in the international financial market financing costs soaring. In order to help get into serious sovereign debt crisis in Greece, the European Union and international monetary fund May 2010 decision, joint to provide 110 billion euro loan aid Greece. According to the original schedule, Greece must in 2016 to repay loan.

