
Iraq more than a day-night doubleheader attacks about two hundred casualties

Beijing on January 5, comprehensive electric reports, the Iraqi capital, Baghdad and southern areas 5, more than a happened in the Shiite Muslim attacks, dozens were killed,Cheap New Era Hats more than people were injured. AFP says, series of explosion that killed 61 people; The Associated Press reported the death toll for 57 people; Reuters says many times of explosion killed at least 67 people. In northeastern Baghdad's sadr city slum, who with northwest and mia area, for happen five car bomb blast and roadside bombings. AFP report says explosion killed 23 people; The Associated Press says 27 people were killed; Reuters reports that 29 people were killed and 68 wounded. Explosion residents of the district to the shia Muslim. On the same day,Football Jersey the southern Iraqi city of Nasiriyah (Nasiriyah) also happen outside in the Shiite Muslim roadside bomb incident. AFP quoted the local health department officials said the news, killing at least people died and 68 people were injured. Ap news that have 30 people were killed in the explosion. Reuters quoted police and hospital sources, said, killing at least 38 people were killed and 70 wounded. The blast happened in southeast Baghdad about 300 kilometers,buy sunglasses is located in the west of nasiriyah a police AnJianZhan. In nasiriyah provincial government official website releases announcement to say, the blast happened in the west of nasiriyah, when shia believers are walking to the holy city of karbala for major religious holiday and festival, because (Arbaeen) on the way of activities.

