
The Los Angeles serial arson suspect charged a face and arson

According to xinhua the Los Angeles county district attorney Steve library the 4 th said,Cheap New Era Hats two days before the Los Angeles serial arson suspect caught harry booker faced a hart 37 charged arson. Los Angeles and the city of west Hollywood, on December 29 there were dozens of fires in the day and night. The police arrested this month 2, suspects booker hart. Prosecutors library and said: "according to existing evidence,Football Jersey we charged with booker 28 for others suspected of hart of the property of the arson and nine others residence in the arson." According to the prosecution statement, booker hart, 24 years old, a German passport to enter the United States. During the incident, hart and mother booker's rose more than stay in Hollywood. The library, said prosecutors doubt suspects can aggravate the instruments of the use, "a series of fire to Hollywood area residents panicked. Although no casualty report,buy sunglasses but (fire) bring houses and cars property such as loss of millions of dollars." The library, said two other people involved was arrested for serial arson, but most cases according to the letter as booker hart act. Not clear if all convicted, booker hart will face what punishment. According to German prosecutors said, the German man suspected of arson and fraud in China. Booker hart now in the Los Angeles county jail detention, was 4, a court-delayed to 24,. Police suspect, hart buck in Los Angeles and west Hollywood serial arson purpose is XieSiFen hair, because his mother's by the United States rose more than last month police arrested, may is cast out.

