
Ministry of Agriculture Cotton in China need to vigorously improve the comprehensive competitivenes

Ministry of Agriculture: Cotton in China need to vigorously improve the comprehensive competitiveness

9 8 -10 days, comprehensive competitiveness strategy of scientific development, clear development goals, optimize the layout of production, to protect the safety of China's cotton industry. Fan Xiaojian said, increase cotton yields, improve quality, increase the total production and improve efficiency. Implementation international markets, to protect the safety of China's cotton industry. The overall goal is stable in 8500 acres of cotton area, yield per mu 75 kg to 80 kg, the production capacity will reach 700 million metric tons, more than 10% reduction in production costs, tuning the structure of varieties to improve cotton quality,cheap oakley sunglasses for sale, strict control The Production layout, the northwestward cotton area reached more than 20 million mu, 2.3 million tons of production; Yangtze River valley in 2350 acres, production of 1.9 million tons; 4150 mu Yellow River cotton production by 2.8 million tons.

he said, to do everything possible to improve our competitiveness of cotton, to protect the safety of China's cotton industry, and promote the development of the textile industry, to protect farmers' income, the damming of significance significant. Localities should firmly seize the current period of strategic opportunities conducive to the development of cotton, with the scientific concept of development to guide the work,snapback hats wholesale, change the growth mode, work harder. Caught planning to implement to improve the advantages region's cotton supply capacity; grasping breeding good laws to improve cotton technology support capacity; grasping improve the ability of system services.

in order to win this year's cotton harvest, various cotton-growing areas should seize the current favorable opportunity of better climatic conditions, to strengthen the management of the late cotton fields; guide farmers to clean harvest, to prevent the reduce market risk. At the same time, around even early planning next year's cotton production.

