
National Cotton Quality Supervision fiber law enforcement crackdown will be held

National Cotton Quality Supervision fiber law enforcement crackdown will be held

7 May 26, Pu Changcheng, Vice Secretary of the State General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine in law enforcement and the work of the meeting of the national cotton quality supervision cum fibers, requirements of the National Xianjian the face of the new situation of the clear lines of responsibility, steady development, to ensure the quality of cotton products with wadding.

Pu Changcheng quality remained stable.

the face of the The Xianjian system to focus on doing the work of three areas: effective supervision over the quality of cotton, grasp the two soil action to crack down on the manufacture and sale of Fully consider the problems that may occur in the reform, improve the ability to discover and solve the problem. Continue to improve cotton quality standard system.

It is understood that, as of the end of June 2006, the National Xianjian system were deployed inspectors 26,art news,900 people, 2130 (times) check cotton acquired businesses, check processing enterprises in 5383 (times). Nationwide total of 110,100 shipments, 3.2075 million tons of cotton notary inspection task, handled 3,804 cases of all types of fiber and its products, the collection of selling fake goods equipment 189 (sets), take away selling fake goods dens 113,womens health, to the public security cases transferred to other departments of Commerce, Industry, etc. 21. The reform of the cotton quality inspection system is carried out smoothly, there are 58 laboratories have the the notary test conditions of the commitment instrumented with HVI (large capacity cotton fiber tester) 75 (sets).

meeting also commended the work of the national the fibers quality of supervision and law enforcement crackdown advanced collectives and individuals, a careful analysis of the current situation facing Xianjian work deployed 2006 cotton quality supervision and fiber enforcement crackdown.

