
Lotus pond absolute being

Contents: The lotus pond absolute being has a Be located on to practice moral teachings in forest of person, very of purity, also very of godliness, every day just under the big tree thinking, contemplate, meditate.A day, he meditates to feel muddled, start in Lin Jian's stroll, by chance walk to a lotus pool side, see the lotus is blooming, very beautiful.Practiced moral teachings to rise a mind in public:So beautiful lotus, if I take off one to put at smell lotus nearby of fragrant, spirit will definitely and much better ah!Hence, he bends a body and took off by the side of the pond a , time is about to leave, hear a deep and low but huge voice saying:BE who?Unexpectedly dare to steal to adopt my lotus!Practice moral teachings person's wreath to attend to on all sides, what can not see either, have to toward unreal to ask to say:Who are you ?How to say that the lotus is yours?I am a lotus pond absolute being, all of this lotuses in the forest are mine, making effort in vain you is a lotus that practices moral teachings a person,www.yoursunglass.com/Adidas-c533.html steals to adopt me, the in the mind has greedy thought, don't know a self-reflection, self-criticism, ashamed, dare to also ask this lotus isn't mine!The voice of air says.The heart that practices moral teachings a person rose profound ashamed, toward air to worship to repent:Lotus pond absolute being!I know that I is getting wronger, the from now on repents past mistakes, absolutely can't be greedy for to take any own thing of doing not belong to.Practice moral teachings a person just while being ashamed to repent, a person walks to the pond side, soliloquize:See!This lotus opens much fattily, I should adopt to below the hills sell and sell some money, and seeing can win money that yesterday's on the gamble lose back!That person says and then jumps into lotus pond and tramples around and took off one of the whole lotus of ponds naked, lotus the all of leaf be trampled not presentable son, the dirty mire of pond bottom also turned over.Then, he holds a big bunch lotus, the cachinnation sailed out of the room.Practice moral teachings a person the in hopes of lotus pond absolute being will appear to stop and condemn or punish that person who takes off lotus, but the pool side one is silent.He is full of towarding of Yi unreal to ask a way:Lotus pond absolute being!I am only humble devout of adopted a lotus, you scathingly condemned me, just that person adopted all lotuses and ruined the whole lotus pond, you why didn't a words say as well?The air lotus pond absolute being says:You were originally to practice moral teachings a person, was like a roll of plain white cloth, the stain of a little very obvious, so I just reminded you, cleaned a dirty place at once and replied purity.That person was originally a rascal, was like a piece of dish cloth, again dirty again black he also doesn't matter, I can't was of help as well, can allow him from have already born a bad industry, so just remain mum.You don't want to put blame on, should rejoice, you have weakness to return the ability be seen, see to also rectify to teach you, mean your cloth is still very white, worth clean, this is Be worth rejoicing of matter!What is the most beautiful the sky time?Cloud that has several solid whites goes across the time of horizon.The solid white of cloud,Women Burberry SunGlasses the Zhan of anti- Chen the sky is blue.Cloud not the ability is too many, the sky will seem to be confused;Cloud can not be too big, the sky will seem to be narrow.Therefore, the sky's most beautiful time is exactly also the most beautiful cloud time.But the person's most beautiful time is the time that keeps a detection.

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