
Yunnan one the restaurant Sou rice Chong special feature vegetables tour regiment 190 people are dizzy to vomit

Received to play from tour regiment 38 sections 190 people had an accident to eat into "special feature vegetables" and vomit and run a hospital the night of March 5, a more than 190 visitors constituted of team at Chu person from Yi in male City thou one restaurant in the town finished eating supper and appeared to vomit in succession, dizzy, the hand and foot be after becoming numb the body unwell circumstance of etc. symptom immediately sent into two hospital first aids of Chu male City, go to 11:30 A.M. yesterday, 3 visitor with more serious symptoms still lose a liquid, besides which, rest of all have already got out of the hospital.Strange meat's hasing Sou bad smell is unexpectedly "special feature vegetables" on the morning of the 6th in the emergency call section of people hospital in male City in Chu, 3 visitor with more serious circumstances lie on the sickbed, the facial expression wax is yellow, still loses a liquid."From had been being losing a liquid till this morning last night, now is still that some energies all have no,womens sunglasses all what things full, dizzy, whole body suffered."Week Cui cloud voice of sickbed sounds to still have spirit to have no dint.According to know, this tour team is the red river receives village organization from the text Lan dust Zhai in the town of lead 38 section activities, the member is basic to is all women of the village, the whole team totally has 239 people, and what to connect regiment is a travel agency of Kunming.At 9:00 a.m. on March 2 from the village in after setting out, a group of people arrived big reason, Lijiang played, the night of the 5th, from big reason play behind return journey, stay for a night after eating finish the supper at the Chu male City, the whole tour route of travel ended, original return to red river early in the morning on the 6th.Recall according to the Liao red plum, 6:30 on the night of the 5th, they drive the guide took Yi person thou a restaurant of the town has supper.Because the persons are much not enough to sit, another 40 a few members in the team are taken the total store dining in the city.Totally ascended on that day 10 vegetableses, have already stir-fried a cabbage and stir-fry to spend vegetables, double sauteed pork and potato to cook melon, tree mushroom to stir-fry vegetableses like meat,etc."The tree mushroom stir-fries meat on carrying to come up, I smell meat to contain a Sou bad smell, at that time said with attendant, whether had a problem, as a result she said, this was the special feature here vegetables, meat is was pickle to lead, I thought this took bad smell of the meat is really the taste here vegetables, also ate two people."Liao the red plum Be angry ground of to say.The after meal continuously appears a dizzy result for vomiting symptom, is continuously coming up of in the vegetables article, the members discover in succession, flower vegetables and cabbages are all rare, don't stir-fry at all familiar, stir-fry meat to eat none of flavors right.BE eating, suddenly a member let go of chopsticks to hum 2 to start vomiting."I also feel for a while that the hand and foot becomes numb, the heart turns over desperately and keeps dripping pure saliva."The Liao red plum says.Immediately after, more than 190 persons who have a meal appear unwell symptom in succession, many people run to the flower on the stage out of the hotel to vomit, the person who also have feels soft eye hair of leg bulge, the symptom slightly and lightly also feels faint, mouth stem."In being pulled into the road of hospital, we are to vomit all the way, everyone feels that affirmation is to eat dirty thing."The Liao red plum tells a reporter.The reporter chow time arrived at to be located in Yi yesterday noon person the restaurant of the thou town, the car of health direct stops in the restaurant doorway.The reporter enters into after the inside, didn't see the person of useful meal, but kitchen door already be stuck last.A representative director the middle age man who claims to be a hotel comes up to ask while coming out a hotel whether the reporter comes to have a meal of, the restaurant is repairing now, may more than ten day after just can start practice, let reporter to the total store in the city have a meal.According to understand, know on that night that the visitor of the team is after having a meal to appear after unwell symptom send into a hospital,Womens Armani Sunglasses Chu the Wei in the male City and city hall highly value this matter, 8:00 convened to transact a meeting on the scene at the hospital and asked medical section to make an effort to save to cure and look after a very hospitalized personnel on that night, and ask public security official and health section to quickly find out fact, explicit responsibility.Male City hospital in Chu sent on that night more than 70 over the nights of medical personnel carry on saving to cure and observe to the hospitalized personnel, health direct and disease control the staff member of center to carry on an examination to the restaurant sample.Up to when the reporter sends report the examination not yet comes out as a result, the reason investigates still and just and further in.

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