
Love the spider of foppery

Contents: The spider spiders that love foppery are from generation to generation all dressed in whole body color gray clothes.The old spider always repeatedly admonishes small spider:Although this kind of clothes aren't good-looking, easy to conceal, not easy drive find drive find detection.You have to want to eat satisfied belly, don't remember to dress oneself beautiful.Think to be beautiful,www.yoursunglass.com must have the butterfly the wing like that.If the spiders all really listen to elder and be dressed in ash not to slip away autumnal clothes from generation to generation, an on every occasion guard to knit at oneself of net up, wait for a careless find catching.However, the beauty had temptation dint really too.A day, a few small spiders resolutely take off the ash clothes on the body and made change multicolored rich in hues full dress, each dress beautifully dressed, not very comfortable and happy. ()The rich experienced old spider hurriedly warns other spiders:Children, you never learn their kind sons!They make open like this, affirmation wants to suffer a los!You wait to see!But, the words of old spider didn't fulfill.The spiders that wear multi colored dress didn't not only endure hunger, but also catch of the insect son is more even many than other spiders.Because, there are many sons that love a beautiful insect in the forest,www.yoursunglass.com/Burberry-Sunglasses-c588.html their multi colored dresses be bloom of fresh flowers mile!The tradition should respect, but respect a tradition to in no case mean fixed and unchangealbe.Didn't change and then didn't innovate, didn't innovate and then didn't progress, the mankind's progress was to change in the realization in a .
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