
Housing property tax on interest

House property tax reform should not increase the overall tax burden, promote the land management, and preferred to ensure room construction face is the hot real estate market again, there are signs that hesitated years of house property tax reform pilot would probably have launched in the near future. This is undoubtedly a for optimizing land management, improve the city public finance major reforms. But because of its great, is a reform must be good preparation, careful operation, and corresponding supporting reform launch, must not be simple to cool the housing market as an expedient, hasty to come. Some years called for the whole of the real estate tax reform, now also worried about "that is LongZhong,New Era Hats the harvest is a flea". We love to the distress of think it. Discussion of china-craze real estate taxes, began in October 2003 at the third plenary session of the communist party of China put forward "for real estate levy standard property tax, corresponding to cancel the fee" as the goal of reform. Since then, the educational experience had explore countries, is a reform and operation began research discussion. Obviously, in the process of rapid urbanization, land premiums too fast will bring a lot of negative effects, and the property tax on farmland and to help reduce the non-agricultural land price difference, also can reduce the resulting corruption and injustice; The tax can also become the long-term stability of the local government revenue sources, reduce and avoid short-term behavior. This reform, following influence also great sense, so, the pilot work should never, appropriate speed pilot, should be wary of the promotion, appropriate is steadily. And the real estate tax reform of supporting echo, shall promote farmland marketization, do the definition of property right and a series of related tax itself based work, and get the public on this involved the social and economic interests of global major reform have more understanding. In this paper the author in May 2005 on the organization had discussed, the experts of hot debate this scene favorite memories. For already it is 5 years, real estate taxes shyly placed again, ready to launch is a reform slow work, entry into farmland more stalemate. The negative effects of slow reform is room land price soaring, local government land financial behavior has become a formula, corruption and anger continues unabated. Now, start the real estate ShuiGai pilot, to speed up the reform of better prison, of course, is very necessary, better than doing nothing. However, for a prison that how to reform the power, they need more more hard work. The current, house prices high, serious shortage of affordable housing, has triggered widespread discontent people. This time collecting the house property tax, timely decisive to launch after for an elaborate housing property tax pilot, might be able to respond to the public's expectations, reform resistance small; On the other hand, should be to promote and housing property tax related supporting reform and system construction and clarify weigh the multiple interests, careful to expand the scope of the national, in order to avoid buried long-term economic, social and political hidden trouble. House property tax reform needs a series of reforms and the system construction, include at least the following content: first of all, coordinating the interests of all parties, and establish accurate, complete, detailed list of transparent real estate, speed up and improve nationwide personal housing information system construction. The relationship between the clear and information to property right of the public, is the important basis of real estate market regulation and promote the reform of many institutional premise. All kinds of housing information database established, evaluation system construction, real estate tax framework design, taxes, clean integration, should be first in the pilot city full detailed to prepare. Second, comprehensive clean up the current real estate taxes, and strive to improve the overall tax burden level not. In real estate keep link, can consider the existing housing property tax and town land royalities into uniform real estate tax, simplify taxes, to change the current real estate tax system of circulation excessively heavy, keep link of the present situation of abnormal light. Again, intensify tax supervision, to clear the property tax levied, object, in accordance with the designated practical and effective implementation of the measures to avoid new tax burden to be passed on, protect social vulnerable groups. From experience to look at, real estate taxes and can't to suppress house prices, even in a particular situation could also boost rents and the rise in house prices. At present, the public is hard to avoid worry,sunglasses shop tax collection and administration system is strong enough, that of property, evaluation, collection and the execution of the program, whether can successfully implement housing property tax reform? Design should be able to effectively eliminate these concerns. Finally, make sure "of, by, and to the people". Housing property tax as local taxes, be helpful for perfecting the tax and financial system, establish a decentralization, transparency, and accountability and fair to local government. Should like to take this opportunity to promote the reform of the system of local finance and tax, establishing an open transparent decision-making and supervision mechanism, and ensure tax income used for public and public service provision. In the early on, house property tax money should be used in preference to local security room construction, but also the government following for many years. But, the local government to impose house property tax pilot sporadic rumours did not seem to complete agree with the goal. House property tax as a perfect urban land management and the major reform of the public finance system, should make clear as early as possible would have to pay taxpayers taxes, completes the public preaching work, let the public know more about housing property tax system and its rationality. So, to be fully democratic supervision function, get the support of the public opinion. The basic purpose of real estate tax reform or improve land management. Now that is an arrangement for the marketization of land management provided the institutional support, at the beginning of the reform should be clearly set up the end the government leading market target land is provided. Will reform operation itself, wide tax base, less exemptions, unified tax rate, easy to collect, is the most basic, have common understanding of the principle, and also identify reform is prudent, started, the solid walking stick. Will the dawn to all the, the eyes, to ensure the correct implementation major reform, to most people's well-being.

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