
Will "YangMingQian" entering the market is irresponsible to the people

Brewing already a long time of local pension entering the market get significant breakthrough, the southern province have been granted permission to put 100 billion dollars basic pension funds to the national social security fund board operation, the first quarter of this year will begin to investment. The national social security fund board chairman of the dai xianglong said yesterday, the proposal has a certain proportion of the conditions of the pension investment stock. He stressed that the pensions of investment can be entering the market that has reserves, accumulated, and stable GunCun properties of the pension fund, not the paygo pension. Dai xianglong can say is pension funds investing in the stock market of the perpetrator. Since his January 2008 as the national social security fund board chairman has very enthusiastic about it. Recently, he and frequent high-profile advocate pension funds entering the market,cheap oakley sunglasses and preach at all levels of the government is determined to make local pension funds entering the market. So it seems, the southern province 100 billion yuan endowment fund was allowed to enter the market, apparently he actively promote the results. However, the social mainstream voice doesn't agree with dai xianglong opinion with. The social from all walks of life are pension funds are safe entry on the heated debate, there is no lack of among them pension funds to the entries opponents. They are against, and not really against pension funds entering the market, but against the pension funds into domestic stock market. As is known to all, the domestic stock market, a short bear any cattle long, therefore, the common people's "YangMingQian" investing in the stock market the risk it can be imagined. Some people think that, pension funds into the market, will pull in A slump of the A share market, to jumpstart people confidence in big intentionally. At present, however, the national endowment fund scale only more than 8000 yuan, even if is all in the stock market, to as high as 21 trillion yuan of total market value of domestic a-share market character, also cannot have A lot of pull function. And also, so a lot of pension funds for investment in the stock market, people pay more attention to the safety, who will guarantee. Because has the investment will have risk, and what's more, the capital market is a high-stakes investing. If south province $100 billion pension funds to the national social security fund board "care", seems to be the only way is to get the stock market to invest. Pension funds after all is different from the ordinary investment fund, if investment losses? The government can fill this "hole" people? The management and its value in talk about when and guarantee the safety of all the premise, although they were playing "value" slogan, but it is a good slogan was also can not deny the fact that this kind of practice is actually used the people "private cheese" is that the people "YangMingQian". Obviously, the national social security fund council has put his confusion in the general institutional investors, due to its special status, the trading behavior or have questionable place. On one hand, pension funds by the social security funds directly control the council, like China in a still stay in "policy city" phase of the market, its operation if you can control policy coordination tacit understanding, so as to ensure the opponent in and trading in an impregnable position in the game? On the other hand, because of China's special management system, pension funds management is not like other institutional investors, need to accept market regulatory control, but can completely detached from market supervision outside. Such as a stock of a pull litre appear continuity, the accuses dish party if is a common institutional investors, especially some private properties of private institutions, it is possible to alleged manipulation share price, but if pension funds did it accuses dish party, even if it in trade process do anything not to regulations place, according to the present reality and it is hard to be investigated for its responsibility. Of course, management will take out pension funds investing in the stock market is "the national social security fund management provisional regulations" allows for things, such doing is simply to make money value, not for any other purpose. But this story is untenable. Objective to say that China's social security fund set up only ten years, this kind "regulation" is far more than business endowment fund hundreds of years of western relevant provision, incredible. In the social security issue, the United States government is very careful, abnormal conservative, its pension funds 70 years has not been allowed to enter the market, the pension funds and China will invest actively practice to form bright contrast. The United States "social security act" regulation, social security funds are not available to buy stocks or entrust investment, real estate development and other investment.aviator sunglasses The reason: one is the American government think social security fund safety is the most important and can only buy Treasury bonds and bank deposits; 2 it is the American people think the huge federal social security fund market, contrary to the free market competition and fair, even to bring government control and the control of private economy. The United States is still can be so, why China's social security fund council will do so? In fact, the pension fund investment management of stock market is extremely common people responsible performance. Due to the pension fund is the common people "YangMingQian", management of any investment should be considered to common people's interests, and not take it for granted to pension funds cast into the market settles. Sign in the particularity of the pension fund, once put into the stock market, may be soros and other international investment the big alligator on the international capital in even sniper.

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Concerning investment mentality

