
Wall Street in the conflict in occupied in 2012 has more big waves

"Occupation Wall Street" demonstrators local time on December 17, 2011, in New York launchs large-scale protest demonstration of at least three months, and once occupied lower Manhattan's du watt Square Duarte Square, but the occupation of action without success finally, police arrested at least several dozen. China LiYang reporter taken arriving on January 1 (New York problem: "occupation of Wall Street" demonstrations in conflict comes 2012 arriving journalists LiYang as 1,aviator sunglasses one million people in New York lively celebrate 2012 came, "occupation of Wall Street" demonstrators never be lonely, launched the "New Year's day occupation" demonstrations, sparked new clashes, dozens of people on the first day of 2012 was arrested. "Occupation Wall Street" demonstrators on December 31 in the night demonstration base of sucker gathered outside the park-ask. Since most of the police have been deployed to The Times square around to keep order, the evening's police force is not very abundant. The demonstrators were obviously wants to take advantage of this chance "offensive". The demonstrators were soon broke the police blockade, sucker into carry park. Demonstrators have anonymous to reporters describe, the scene is lively, people and jumped up and down, celebrating the New Year, even the police also had to be carnival atmosphere infection. But he said, as a powerful dismantle the demonstrators around the park iron railings and the situation immediately start to lose control. The demonstrators and a police set of the iron railings down, and stacked up, was named "free mountain". Demonstrators in the park near midnight when held a memorial rally, claimed that the past 2011 years "occupation" demonstrations across the vibration, global impact, has made a great success, and vowed to continue protests in 2012 to promote it. The Times square transferred from the large number of police came from far and wide to, will be inundated with park, and will lower Manhattan's several blocks completely sealed off. The demonstrators were intent on demonstrations, also be the police blocked. The police through a megaphone to the demonstrators appeal, says park has been closed and ordered them to leave at once park, otherwise will encounter arrested. New York city mayor Michael bloomberg at this moment with "goddess kaka" and other star in times square to celebrate the New Year high. He stirred to make nothing demonstrations, just proved that, even if the New Year come, he on the demonstrators also not thine hands be slack. This "carnival night of celebration" turn into a chaos conflict night ". When the reporter arrived at 1, sucker mention park, riot police have plowed into a new implementation park mandatory QingChang. More than demonstrators and police fall on land, hands bound, could not move. The police and sanitation workers to clean up the article such as demonstrators placards, filled with several big trash can. Was the demolition of the iron railings also immediately back to the same place, and yellow WeiDang cordon. Reporters on the scene to see, the park has no anyone in,discount sunglasses has become a "forbidden". Have the demonstrators were trying to return to there from the environmental sanitation personnel demonstration item, but was tough to refuse. New York police 1 issued a statement saying, on the same day at least 68 protesters were arrested, including at least one person has been accused of assaulting. The arrest of the other charges including illegal invasion, interfere with security, etc. Police and protesters in New Year's day in the conflict have wounded. Have the police were scissors slashed and the demonstrators were strongly criticized the police continue to abuse a pepper spray to deal with the people. After this night standoff between both sides, seem to have exhausted, playing. Reporter 1 notice, sucker near the park at present only ask 3322 demonstrators haunts, they appear very cautious; The police also no longer "the heavily fortified" Wall Street-though Wall Street still gateway hidden many a police car. The demonstrators "occupation" banners in the trash can also be seen, "occupied 2012", "who's streets? Our streets" in the ears of rifle fire or hot slogans shouted also sound, that in 2012, the more "occupation" demonstration waves is brewing.

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