
Personal housing information networking suspected illegal unconstitutional

Jan. 7, 2012, a live JianBu authority in work conference, live JianBu minister he said that this year will continue to speed up personal housing information system construction, ensure that by the end of June achieve 40 major city of networking. Live JianBu minister in 2011 he work summary, the work plan for 2012 meeting requirements, should pay close attention to house price movements, the study in time the causes; Continue to speed up personal housing information system construction, guarantee in 2012 before the end of June achieve 40 major city of networking. Live JianBu minister he also had to the National People's Congress standing committee report said, housing information system startup more than two years, is still in the difficult construction. Limit to buy as necessity, one of the reasons is personal information is not clear. According to the original deployment, live JianBu had planned to the end of 2011 to realize the 40 cities housing information Internet inquiries, by 2013, realize the national housing information system networking. In 2011 JianBu live successfully completed the construction of 10 million sets of supportability project task of living, real estate regulating has some achievements, toward the direction of the expected development. Plan the work quality was improved, and further perfect the system of regulations. Live 齐骥 built, vice minister of said, many cities have set up a personal housing information system, do you have any room, where has the room, with the system be clear at a glance. However, at present, the system is also exist great shortage, such as excluding family background, only personal information; In addition to housing beyond, excluding other information (the public security, civil affairs, taxation, etc.). Therefore, to build a society for comprehensive management information system is the focus of our next work. Jan. 7, 2012, the Beijing municipal live is built appoint internal says housing limit buy fixed number of year will adjust "rumours, Beijing is built appoint 7 through its official micro bo" how Beijing "statement said: live is built appoint did not receive any media related to interview, the real estate regulation strictly according to the central economic work conference requirement execution. Media reports quoted "live is built appoint insiders" says, the provisions of the Beijing by the Beijing municipal personnel buys a house should be "for five consecutive years tax proof" seem to be some "unacceptable". The Beijing property market adjustment and control policies fine-tuning is mainly for outside the resident population "for five consecutive years tax proof" to "three consecutive years", the report quotes the personage says, "if no other cases before the Spring Festival, is expected to adjust the". According to the report, live JianBu through the official micro bo statement: recently media reports said, the Beijing municipal live is built appoint insiders said housing purchase fixed number of year is about to be adjusted restrictions. Now statement, WoWei anyone not accept any media related interview.NBA Hats The central economic work conference in accordance with the requirements of the municipal party committee and deployed, we will continue to do all the work into real estate regulation, and promote the rational regression and house prices the healthy development of the real estate market. China real estate economics research institute President, China's development research center, director of real estate XieYiFeng accept the China securities journal reporters reporter: live JianBu minister he said that this year will continue to speed up personal housing information system construction, ensure that by the end of June achieve 40 major city of networking. Once the networking has something important significance? Networking exist any difficulties, by the end of June if it can connect and implemented? XieYiFeng: personal housing information system once achieved the 40 cities networking, will promote the rapid spread of the property market information. No doubt, favorable to the national JianBu live parts of the city's real estate market sales and market supply and sales clinch a deal price the market trading data, implement the effective data monitoring and statistics. At the same time, be helpful for pilot collecting the house property tax new city such as accelerated expansion policy be born, and reduce the purchase of the execution time limit. In addition, to some extent, have to speed up the market supply and reduce the backlog of stock market effect. Will also conducive to further ground to real estate investment guest blow. XieYiFeng: although at present the country from personal housing information networking technology on look, personal housing information recorded, networking is not difficult. From actual operation platform should face looking is not work, because each city, no unified standard platform, in practice it is difficult to realize unicom. In addition, the housing privacy and property and personal safety problems such as secret, how to use, the information management system, must have clear rules and regulations and protection measures. If there is no national levels of management, use information standard, the system is hard to real application. From the legal aspect, it is the pass. To the people involved major property and personal privacy and safety regulation, there should be a National People's Congress or the standing committee of the National People's Congress on legislation. The National People's Congress and the standing committee of National People's Congress without legislative regulations of the state council and the detailed rules for the implementation and house property property right person hair to agree, had implemented networking, 40 city personal housing information networking regulation, have suspected illegal violations of the constitution, should stop implementation. Reporter: end of June the 40 cities will network to include? XieYiFeng: live JianBu report and the minister's speech didn't announce specific list. But it's expected to, the 40 cities should include in addition to all the capital city outside Lhasa, and shenzhen, dalian, ningbo, wuxi, suzhou, xiamen, wenzhou, Qingdao, north sea, guangzhou, Shanghai, tianjin and other property market "is hot" limit to purchase a city. Since there is no specific regulation, specific to live JianBu which city out specific files to carry out. Reporter: as we all know, purchase price limit credit limit, called "three limit", is the 2011 market regulation stunts, no matter what kind of coup guest come up with Fried floor, can see recruit and recruit, finally tend to change, as will the take hot money around the Fried tenants beat lost and flee. In 2012, north and key cities for the second line is expected to continue to limit buy is already "do-or-die" of the facts.Live JianBu minister he said, if the individual housing information system to realize national network, plus the banking system, the financial system, the tax system of some of the information, to form a platform, wouldn't have to take limit buying the administrative color strong measures. The developers for increasing sales, but also fulfill discount war. At the end of June 40 cities once networking success, whether or not the city all restrictions to buy disposable exit? Really would cancel the limit to buy? XieYiFeng: personal housing information system construction, guarantee in 2012 before the end of June achieve 40 major city estimates have difficulty or network. Even if the 40 major city networking is not successful, curb the administrative measures ChaoFang forces--limit buy make policy in October 2011 start has quietly retreat city, such as new two three line city limits expansion buy list the delay in releasing and to limit price instead of purchase, or directly hair to inform adjustment limit to buy policies, and continue to carry out the original purchase policies limit, show that local government to limit the panic buying policy than developers also afraid. Step back to see, 40 major city networking success, restrictions and may not buy policy for all quit, otherwise the house prices rebound is inevitable in reprisal. Reporter: 40 major city networking success, house prices will decline? Whether it will spread to open completely? XieYiFeng: 40 major city networking success, and house prices decline not whether what eggs painful relationship. Just and housing property tax is the condition of pilot began to have a direct relationship, and 40 cities networking is not real estate taxes collecting the pilot of the necessary conditions, but house property tax the tax system itself is perfect and system is sound and supporting policy is comprehensive legislation through such as whether, determines whether real estate taxes collecting. Besides, from 2011 in January 28, Shanghai and chongqing pilot collecting the house property tax effect, to see is not curb speculative investment ChaoFang demand, eliminate the housing bust. 2 it is not replace the local government land finance income, reduce local government to finance the dependence of the land. Three is can't restrain prices rose too quickly trend effect. Four is can't achieve the balance rich and poor differentiation, but let the poorer the poor. XieYiFeng: actually, house property tax even expand to add new several cities, house prices also won't fall. More than 600 cities, but one of the ten, what is the effect of China's real estate market, would not lead to a drop in house prices. Most affect the person that buy a house and investment for the market is expected to increase the market psychology and watching atmosphere. The same, hold the room of the cost of the new will be transferred to the housing prices, the last of the pay is still under a the person that buy a house.wholesale sunglasses And the government in addition to increasing tax revenue outside, still won the common people on the government regulation of the price of the house trust. Little imagine and house prices pushed up, because the added cost of the person that buy a house is transferred to the body. XieYiFeng: real estate taxes may be smaller illustrated. The relative national hundreds of city, a housing property tax city will still keep in single digits, in general YinErBuFa, keep the policy of deterrence effect; Buy policy would not remove restrictions, but as the market gradually adjusted, local government carries out the scope and strength will have flexible change, limit the policy implementation is difficult to buy city continue to expand; The housing credit policy is expected to moderate to relax, the first set of mortgage for immediate legitimate interests of the person that buy a house this year, countries pay more attention to protection of the reasonable pent-up demand. Reporter: the 2012 market to have any idea? XieYiFeng: even close to the critical point and control the inventory not to relax, the housing price boom will not spread across the country, at best, a few dozen discount only. Developers hold hands nearly 2 trillion cash and real estate projects in the capital of 20% and 2011 years of land sell one's own things fell by 30%, more than a year of backlog release of pent-up demand, moreover, in 2011 China commodity residential sales more than 5 trillion yuan (sales more than 3 trillion yuan secondhand the room), an increase of more than 10%, and real estate enterprise income also up more than 10%. In 2012, real estate could not control into the worst industry. The most concerned about 2011 new commencement and completion of the new project and land supply area of a large drop, security room construction tasks cut in 2012 and land supply and 2011 severely tightening land market depression atmosphere continue to 2012, an estimated 2013 years market supply shortages, will cause house prices rebound.

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