
The civil environmental protection organization calls the fair article mercury of 23% is the over-standard tallest of over-standard 40,000 times

The environmental protection organizes:23% the fair article mercury is the over-standard tallest to exceed a nation standard 40,00000%;Another have 10% near products of arsenic or lead content over-standard yesterday, the civil environmental protection organization reached Er ask nature seek knowledge agency and international cancellation hold out for long time the organic pollutant network united several environmental protection organizations released a report, call mercury content in the market over-standard fair the cosmetics dispeling a spot has 23% of making selective check the total amount.112 sample mercury content over-standard this survey aim at 477s that random purchase on the market fair, dispel a spot cosmetics, the environmental protection organization is by hand held X to shoot the line fluorescence analysis instrument to carry on a rapid examination to the mercury in the product, arsenic and lead content.According to IPEN deluxe science adviser Joe Se man •Di Gang Ji mean,Cheap sunglasses this time carry on an inquisitional equipments, examination result's examining result with laboratory is consistent, and at in section hospital, Ministry of Education, and the food drugs of the United States direct the administration wait an official section use.Suggest that there aring 23% product mercuries the content is over-standard as a result, tallest reach national standard 1 PPM(PPM=dissolve the quality × of the quality/aqua of quality 1000000) of 40,000 much and doubly.Is another arsenic or lead content having 10% near products exceed a nation standard.Reach Er to ask nature to seek knowledge agency researcher, Wang Qiu Xia, introduce, the environmental protection organization goes into business the field, supermarket and wholesale market random purchased 477s fair, dispel a spot cosmetics, through examination, discovering 112 sample mercuries the content is over-standard, the over-standard sample content 18-44000 ppms doesn't wait.Currently nation the standard is a PPM.The Tao treasure product contains over-standard 7ses, the mercury content is over-standard 92-8000 times.The over-standard product all didn't mark clearly composition, she said, the survey doesn't aim at concrete brand, it purchases merchandise with wholesale a market mostly, starting point is the consumer is canning come in contact with on the market of merchandise, as for whether its sample is the name that counterfeits a false inferior product or uses an another factory house, need government section concern."Our starting point be, the consumer can come in contact with this product, we examine of the product have a problem."Wang Qiu Xia said that the over-standard product common characteristics of its detection BE, on the product marking didn't mark clearly composition, in addition, heavy metals over-standard product and price also didn't relate to, the over-standard product may be dirt cheap, also the possible price is expensive, to consumer, should as far as possible from some regular products that the regular outlet purchases to match standard in the nation.Connect down, it will also announce a mercury content don't over-standard product, and the circumstance of the high level product mercury content.- The chain connects mercury poisoned can to brain crack-up dynasty occupational disease in the sun hospital with poisoned medical science section section director Hao Feng the Tong introduce, metal mercury after getting into a human body,womens sunglasses big part transfer kidney, can reach above 70% of total amount.In the cosmetics, because the mercury can repress the Lao ammonia in the skin melanin's cell to sourly synthesize process and repress melanin formation, adding the mercury can rise fair dispel the effect of spot.Mercury poisoned can express in the brain crack-up to synthesize to advertise for, easily exciting disease, mouth cavity burning, mercury poisoned kidney far-gone disease.She said that the use increases white to dispel after the spot product the mercury backlog cause poisoned time's usually only having for a month, but the mercury content inside its body consumedly exceeds average level, this because the sufferer uses of increase white to dispel a spot product over-standard circumstance of mercury severity.

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