
Remember healthy dinner 4 want Jue to eat good health

The love of beauty always treats dinner as an enemy and returns the reason that oneself gains flesh knot to it.Is busy then treat it as to help grass, a day of nourishment whole depend it.All of these two kinds of viewpoints of extremities are extremely bad.Reason of gaining flesh 10,0<0,00=, gene, life habit, toughen, the foods all have influence. What nourishment depends is three everyday absorptions of meal well balanceds, meal only have meal of effect, if hope a human body to be like a sponge, give how much nourishment absorb how much, so body will make you disappoint, you give of exceeded the quantity that it can bear, these nourishment vegetable will don't do to live,cheap sun glasses sometimes also cause disturbance, let you get sick.Dinner not proper night dinner of time had better arrange at around 6:00 p.m., don't exceed 8:00 p.m. as far as possible.Is general to come to speak, 8:00 after had better not again eat, can just the right amount of drinking.For dinner after eating too late and soon will go to bed a sleeping, invisibly increased the risk of suffering from urethra calculus.The dinner should not is satisfied to know to all and eats for dinner the too satisfied president of association is fat, but what few people know BE, eat too satisfiedly to also lower our sleep qualities for dinner.So-called"stomach at enmity with, lie not and rather", if ate into too many foods for dinner, by all means will result in stomach and intestines burden's aggravating, the information of its nervous work continuously passes a brain, will make us suffer from insomnia many dreams, the satisfied food dinner easily arouses diseases like nervous prostration,etc over a long period of time.Dinner feat quantity is 78 divide satisfied, the ego feels not hungry then, must not edible must lead satisfied.Dinner not proper Hun high blood pressure, diabetes and heart the cerebral disease and dinner Be too flourishing to have inevitable contact.Although the chicken, duck and fish, meat and egg are all nutritive good things, but isn't suitable for dinner edible,new era snapbacks they will make the cholesterol content inside the human body increase Gao, time is long nature will induct artery hardening and coronary.The food that implies abundant meal fiber, vitamin and carbohydrate is the best choice of dinner, the thick food, vegetable should be the leading role of dinner.Use words of excesssive brain in the daytime, can choose light easily digested fish is edible, contribute to a memory exaltation.Dinner should not the sweet sweetmeat bring us a pleased mood, will also bring us fat and energy and add of the dinner exercise to measure behind of decrease, the fat more and easily piles up in the body.Want to keep healthily slender figure, since today, delete from the dinner the sweetmeat. see more:Be in need of vitamin D easy skin allergy
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