
Hot water bath away cold bath enhance fatigue fight cold ability

Guide language: a bath can also keeping in good health, you know? A bath every day is we the, take a shower clean body not only, still can alleviate physical fatigue, more important is, take a shower can help you cure keeping in good health! Today introduced you to the health of the three bath method, you might as well try. Hot water bath, eliminate the fatigue case: the Japanese wash a hot bath called "ShangYu", also called the "lift-off", often family together last-borns "bubble". Place oneself wash bath, 40 ℃ behind the water by stone runnel into period, the exhaustion of body and mind for consumers.cheap oakley sunglasses Comment on: fatigue with human body blood lactic acid concentration in a certain relationship, wash warm bath can speed up metabolism, improve the body decomposition of lactic acid speed, eliminate fatigue. Bubble bath is equivalent to 500 meters 20 minutes jogging, therefore, a bath also have the effect of fitness. But warm bath water temperature is not the better, or sweating too much easy lead to collapse, water temperature should be controlled in 38 ℃ or so. The cold bath-enhances fight cold ability case: MAO zedong's teacher Mr. This after life vicissitudes of life, but still enjoy the 92-year-old long life, which helped the cold bath, dubbed "revolutionaries battle". XuLao after getting up to use cold water to brush head, then wipe neck, chest back, every time wipe to skin redness fever so far. Whether spring, summer, autumn and winter la month, never changes. Comment on: the cold bath can improve human fight cold ability, exercise vessel elasticity, is a "blood vessels gymnastics". What need reminds is, the cold bath have a adjustment process, if has been a hot bath, suddenly to take a cold bath, not only useless but will become sick. Heat the cold bath-maintaining vessel elasticity case: Mr. Ma yinchu is China's famous demographers, education experts and economists, former Beijing university honorary President, is also lived to be 101 years old LaoShouXing. Early in the United States with a constitution weak, later to meet a 93 years old but still HeFaTongYan doctor. The doctor told him he some vigorous secret: hot cold bath. The first quarter wash a hot bath, let whole free venation, then wipe the body, rest several minutes, then quickly a few minutes of the cold bath. Since the application this kind to exercise methods, ma yinchu body has always enjoyed very good health, even the cold rarely. Comment on: hot and cold water bath can make the blood vessels YiZhangYiChi, heat bilges cold shrink, maintaining vessel elasticity, this to maintain blood pressure normal, to prevent cardiovascular disease, very good. Tip: 1, before and after the bath, should right amount water, it will help the body fluid circulation, eliminate the toxin inside body. 2, when showering water temperature is unfavorable and exorbitant, bubble bath water temperature had better keep up and down in 40 degrees Celsius, a single into the bath time control in 15 minutes is preferred. Had better not exceed 20 minutes,baseball sunglasses time is too long to make the skin shrinks, dry, old people especially need to pay attention to. 3, best bath time in the afternoon 3 general a.m. to 9 p.m., and between the more conducive to the relaxation of the skin and adjust. 4, use grind arenaceous bath products can help remove the skin of the dead skin, but strength does not want too big, this kind of product is unfavorable also used daily, weekly 2 ~ 3 times is enough. 5 after bath, the maintenance is also very important, bath milk can help lock body moisture, make skin more brilliance.

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