
Wear wrong shoes to get 15 feet disease called pick shoes necessary skills

Shoes are in our life the necessary things, but most of the time we choose shoes in the time does not pay attention to skills, always appear to his own feet abrasion. Now small make up a few teach you pick shoes skills. Can't afford to hurt the feet of the adults from improper shoes disease by 64% every journey begins with the first step, with the help of the shoe is not divided. But, the United States centers for disease control and prevention has a data show that adults feet disease related with many factors, of which 64% comes from improper shoes. So alarming number of tell us, this should be your feet as a "guardian god" shoes, and sometimes he plays the role of the destroyer. Many shoes on the market to wear shoes feet, grinding bore through the narrow, sole stands up to the most rigorous test,Buy New Orleans Hornets hats this kind of shoes is not help people walk, more like to man's feet set on the chains. Now a lot of women's shoes design is very thin high, is to put on looks delicate, but this is the most damage to the feet. The restoration of the young man, and a strong ability to wear a day these shoes, the foot a night can recover. But not in old people, someone's foot or even a extrusion will permanently hurt it. Wear wrong shoes, really make people can't afford to injury. Teach you 15 recruit choose the right shoes first move in the best at three to six or so choose shoes, because the foot of a slight at this time inflation, if then the selected size don't think small, the rest of the day in is fine. Stand fitting, because standing foot than when you sit down slightly a little. Try not only wear in a mirror to see would buy, be sure to go a few steps back and forth, careful feel the stability of the size and the shoes is appropriate. The second recruit while trying shoe self-provided clean stockings, facilitate when I try on the shoes of wear off (especially the ankle slightly tight very bag leg of boots), avoid tried shoes appear in the embarrassment of besmirch sweat be soiled. The third recruit about two-thirds of those two feet not as big, remember which grows only which only short, try a shoe on two feet all want to try it on. According to a slightly older one, the foot choose shoes. Can't simply to choose shoes wesselshasmade according to the subject or behalf buy, be sure to try it on myself, because to XuanTou, design or brand model of different standards, specific size shoes also can have differences. The fourth recruit feet with different season will also have heat bilges cold shrink, so buy in winter of the discount in summer shoe on, you try them on the right size with summer slightly smaller than is likely to be. Five recruit the ideal size is at least: ten toe shoes can be in free activities, a comfortable cushion and moderate internal space; Sole face and feet the arc of the dent is a perfect fit,New Orleans Hornets Snapback Hat suffered an ankle and is not hit the toes shoes; Your front foot should have certain of room, if use tiptoe against head heel shoes and shoe between can also help into a finger distance, the size just appropriate; On the heels of the sole surface will make good heel stick, walk can't slip to slide to; From his looking down on the bow with the shoes of the feet if it fits the central radian, confirm the feet around the reasonable is appropriate. Six recruit don't because the temptation of the season at a discount or just like to indulge yourself in the foot by a pair of shoes are size, size too small shoes even wear again long, it is also very limited degree, at that time the feet scenery may cause corn, blisters, foot pain and leg pain, have a pain in my back, and a series of disease.

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