
Naked sleep let the body more healthy direct method

The 1970 s, some American families to fashion to naked sleep; In the early 1980 s, the Japanese, they form a national "light hip race". Some people think, a garment but sleep, is a habit; Strip and sleep, is to enjoy. And some people think that naked sleep too exposed not civilization. So the question is whether or not desirable to sleep? Saying 1: naked sleep can cure insomnia? Net friend really was there a time sleep, a Japanese friend told her, they the people there are naked sleep, rarely heard someone insomnia, suggest jean jean try naked sleep. The results of the insomnia is jean jean disappeared, so she also love naked sleep that special feeling of sweat.Houston Texans Adjustable Experts comment on: according to the report, 42.5% of the world's people have different degree of insomnia, but more than 80% of the people in the insomnia are no treatment, most people don't sleep when the disease, which young white-collar occupies a large proportion. And for insomnia naked sleep that people will have certain comforting. No clothes bound, the body's natural relax, blood flow unobstructed, can improve the condition of the arms and legs some cold, help into deep sleep. Nowadays the society, most heart rational factors from insomnia, such as stress or anxiety, so it's not hard to understand why naked sleep can improve insomnia, especially those who haven't naked sleep the person of experience, it may be more obvious effect some. And those who haven't form good health habits people will therefore benefit. It should be noted, naked sleep and not for anyone who is appropriate or effective, for those who because of neuropathy cause insomnia, naked sleep is no value, to find out the cause of the insomnia in time, symptomatic treatment, can get rid of this problem. Naked sleep is a sleeping habits, foreign very praise highly, naked sleep can let the skin and relax, let the perineum dry, can improve sleep and reduce the perineum fungal infection etc which can reduce gynecological disease and a tinea occurs. But China's cultural background and the life condition, is for, should be based on the conditions of life habit and their decision. From some of the abuse should also cause the attention of people. In short, vary from person to person. Saying 2: naked sleep can cure tension disease? Japan has a doctor statistics: naked sleep for treatment of high tension disease curative effect, especially abdominal viscera nervous system easy to eliminate the tensions, also can promote the blood circulation, make the chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea and headache, back pain and improve. Experts comment on: naked sleep when the body of great, muscle can effectively relax in the treatment of high tension disease curative effect, especially abdominal viscera nervous system easy to eliminate the tensions, also can promote the blood circulation, make the chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea and waist pain, have a headache wait for a disease improved, and that body of viscera and the body blood circulation becomes very smooth. Saying 3: naked sleep let husband and wife more close? For couples, excessive exposure may reduce the mystery for each other, but too much dress can not also decreased the each other's sexual attraction? Experts comment on: have sex experts think, naked sleep make couples sex more "come straight to the point and glance", lack of freshness and mystery, go down for a long time easy to incur "sexy passivation", reduce the quality of sexual life of husband and wife. In the early part of naked sleep of male, because of the direct stimulation organ in quilt strong, can make the male sex reaction of hyperthyroidism, sexually active, go against health husband and wife; Marriage experts think, if both sides of husband and wife of sleep on bare didn't agree, is easy to cause the husband and wife contradictions, but also to protect privacy in the life of the husband and wife. Therefore, married people naked sleep or not should weigh the advantages and disadvantages, cannot treat as the same. Naked, attention to detail naked sleep, not be to say simply take off underwear to go to bed, also pay attention to do: notice first of all kinds of sleep environment. The collective life, or go out in the outside as far as possible when don't naked sleep.Indianapolis Colts Adjustable And the children of the bed with room also don't naked sleep. In the home is too small, families Shared or collective life is unfavorable use, because stress can lead to the opposite effect. It is better to have a relatively secret, independent environment. Must pay attention to keep warm, adjust the temperature and humidity of the bedroom, avoid catching cold and sweaty. Living environment to air circulation, temperature is appropriate, quiet and comfortable, so can from the thought relax the mood, build a good sleep premise. Next to pay attention to consider some health problems. For health reasons, naked before sleeping, should clean vulva and anus, often take a bath, bed sheet, frequently wash up the sheets. Need to emphasize: for the role of naked sleep should have a correct understanding, it's just our adoption of health way of sleep, not all people should be adopted. In addition, naked sleep when the skin direct exposure to the environment, dust and bug mite can cause skin allergies and asthma, for the people had specific constitution should be especially careful.

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