
50 billion baidu

If the market value calculation, baidu.com (NASDAQ: BIDU) is China's largest Internet company. The company recently six quarter net profit growth are almost more than 3 digits, its shares also rose more than 70% for the year. But the Chinese family wealth list according to the second LiYanHong is not high of have nothing worry about. On Tuesday, the second quarter earnings of baidu, according to total revenue in the second quarter baidu for 3.415 billion yuan ($528.4 million), up 78.4%; The second quarter net profit of 1.633 billion yuan ($252.6 million), an increase of 95.0%. On the same day, baidu shares rose 5%, to $164.36. In New York trading hours after dish rose 6.5%, to $166.74,baseball hats after trading hours from dish high of $170.51. Baidu stock price $96.53 from earlier this year, July 26, rose to $164.43. Baidu stock price over the past year more than doubled. In the past six quarters, in addition to just the past two quarters, the remaining five quarter, baidu net profit up all more than doubling the fastest is 2010 in the fourth quarter, even growth of more than 171%. In August 2005, baidu IPO, earning 319.2 million yuan in baidu ($39.6 million), six years later, baidu a quarter of income, is that year 11 times earnings. Google last year from mainland China to retreat, its market share has constantly been baidu nibbling. According to analysys international statistics, quarter baidu occupy more than three-quarters of the ratio to 75.8%, and Google is reduced from 19.2% to. 2010 quarter, baidu and Google's market share ratio of 64 to 31. For more than a year, baidu and Google in China; the total market share up to 95% without any change, in other words, Google lost many market, baidu all income bursa. At the same time, sogou and tencent soso and netease youdao "three small", is in fact in the other 5% of the market, to a "zero and" game. Sogou input many resources for the business development, including input method, the browser and search three push, but 1.5% of the market share, make the short term, baidu's dominant situation doesn't change. With Tuesday closing price calculation, baidu selling for $57.3 billion, with day, tencent market value of about 49 billion dollars, baidu than tencent. From income, baidu to nearly half behind tencent. Total income for the first quarter of tencent 6.3384 billion yuan (us $966.8 million), profit for 2.8842 billion yuan (us $439.9 million). LiYanHong individual holding more than 16% baidu, about $9.2 billion, that's about 59.4 billion yuan. Baidu almost all income from click generated advertising. Baidu CEO LiYanHong said, baidu in the development of many and mobile phone related services and system. Baidu previously published statements, the company might be in the development of mobile phone operating system. Baidu and Google income mode (NASDAQ: GOOG) and there is no big difference, but Google apparently more tentacles. In the mobile phone operating system, Google andros system has been more than apple ios, become a global use most, baidu in mobile phone operating system market to catch Google Android, is not easy. Baidu current p/e ratio is more than 80, higher than most china-related shares, such as netease (NASDAQ: NTES) p/e ratio is just 17. In fact, Google p/e ratio is also less than 23. Baidu June announced investment online travel web sites where to search, share ratio of more than 50%. Where to financial income, will be reflected in the third quarter earnings baidu. But acquisitions to sustain growth baidu. July, baidu announced and Microsoft bing cooperation. This cooperation symbolism than real significance. Bing in domestic neglected, baidu search field in English basic 0. Baidu not hope the Chinese search go Google, come to bing. Microsoft also don't want JiangLong Google outside, again many rivals. The hot social networking sites, Google and not because of the failure of the buzz and wave and give up on this market. Google recently online Google + should have an inspiration to baidu and Google + online three weeks, the user has more than 20 million. LiYanHong in the second quarter performance phone conference say, baidu is also in the development of new social network products. If baidu want on social networking sites have as, not only to face the stronghold version of Facebook website everyone nets (NYSE: RENN) and happy nets challenge,Cheap sunglasses and tencent's product competition social networking site. To baidu for, because sina micro bo rise, tencent and sohu put serious money to compete for market, two for the search business investment will inevitably limited, baidu will expand the market share. Google are worth more than $200 billion, is baidu's more than three times. However, the biggest question to the outside world baidu is, baidu is called China's Google, and how to "more to understand" outside China, "more like" Google. "More to understand" even do it 99%, also need 1 ° "more like", to reach 100 °. Obviously, it is difficult.

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