
Ban ki-moon has urged the Iraqi parties to resolve differences through dialogue

International online news: according to xinhua, the United Nations secretary general ban ki-moon 3, through its spokesman issued a statement urging all best sunglasses parties in Iraq through dialogue and compromise peace resolving their differences. Ban ki-moon said in a statement, he firmly support the Iraqi parties in cooperation with national unity, under the premise of through the political dialogue to address the problem has been solved, and urged all sides through meaningful dialogue and compromise peace resolving their differences. Ban ki-moon to discount sunglasses Iraq in recent political tension expressed concern, says the security situation in the country more unrest. He thinks that, by using the new Iraq should be a year of opportunities, and to further strengthen through the democratically elected institutions, for the welfare of the people of Iraq to promote peace and prosperity. The U.S. military on dec. 18, 2011 all out of Iraq, the country's main political faction sharp opposition. December 19, the Iraqi national highest judicial institution with the supreme law suspected terror polarized sunglasses activities for, the sunni faction to belong to the vice President hash m issued an arrest warrant, hash m denied charges. December 22, terrorist attacks on the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, killing at least 60 people were killed and nearly 200 wounded.

