
Farmer cooperatives and common industrial and commercial enterprises significant differences

"The key to solve the problems concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers" series of articles (4)? In order to ensure farmer cooperatives basic function, foreign need to farmers to modern market in cooperative with the industry in general industry and commerce enterprise competition and make a profit. However, if not the government's support, the farmer cooperatives is itself can not do this. This is because, farmers and cooperatives general industry and commerce enterprise is very different. First of all, both in function and nature have very big difference. Market economy is born for the common industry and commerce businesses are ready, and ordinary industry and commerce enterprises are born for capital ready. Common stock enterprise take the form of industry and commerce,baseball hats in accordance with market economy "efficiency" principle organization, in essence is the personification of the capital form, the pursuit of capital profit maximization, according to equity, determined rights and interests. Farmer cooperatives is to solve the problem of "agriculture, countryside and farmers" design, its system value and historical mission is to be in the economic development of a country the third stage, promoting the industrialization of agriculture, "take" back to the agricultural products processing and circulation, most of profits, will the income of the peasants level to the average level. Farmer cooperatives cooperative economy according to the principle of "equality, fairness" organization, in essence is vulnerable group "BaoTuan heating" cooperation economic association. Farmer cooperative itself and no profit maximization demands, but it seek membership benefit maximization. Therefore, it for all the members of foreign pursuit of profit maximization, and according to the principle of "equality, fairness" profit distribution. So, the various countries to the nature of the farmers' cooperative fixed position is "not to profit for the purpose of non-profit organizations", and takes it as its enjoy preferential policies the basic foundation of the government. Secondly, both in the internal institutional arrangements exist on a major difference. Under the conditions of market economy, efficiency and fairness in certain economic form or economies often contradictory, not have both. The real solution is generally, in the maintenance of market economy "efficiency" at the same time, again complementary with other means to carry out "fair". Agricultural industrialization and modernization solutions also is such. When a country economic development into "the third stage", which objectively need two kind of enterprise form to meet the social and economic development of the different requirements, one kind is common of industrial and commercial enterprises, they follow joint-stock organization, meet the market economy "efficiency" requirements; Another kind is the farmer cooperatives, they follow cooperation organization, meet the social economy, "fair" requirement, in order to make up for the deficiency of the market economy. Due to the above "division", the farmer cooperatives system in "efficiency" on congenital deficiency: (1) "second rebate" and "limited accumulation" will inevitably lead to the cooperative own accumulation deficiency, "limited capital stock dividends" obviously against cooperatives to recruitment investment, and "limited big shareholders" also was disadvantageous to the cooperatives attract investment. (2) the cooperative management system lack of incentive mechanism, because managers do not have residual claims. This will reduce the improvement of management, improve efficiency of enthusiasm, at the same time, it may be tempted to managers shirking, or instead seeking hidden gains. (3) in order to increase the opportunity cost of managers, farmers a convenient membership to the supervision of the cooperative system, such as, business premises financial report, convenient membership access, allow members of audit, this will surely increase supervision and cost. (4) in order to ensure member rights, cooperatives establishes a relatively democratic decision-making process, the inevitable reduces the decision-making efficiency, increased the cost of decision. For example, China's law on farmers' professional cooperatives regulation,Cheap sunglasses decided to the production and business operation activities of the important issues, the member's congress shall be convened a vote, and attendance should achieve members of the total number of 2/3 above, membership total voting rights must be more than half. Obviously, the farmer cooperatives system "efficiency" is the lack of farmers' cooperative perform "fair" mission premise, is it effective operation must pay the price, and all of this is from a farmer cooperatives historical mission of the decision. For market economy for, farmers lack of "efficiency" cooperatives in competition starting point is to lose in the same profession ordinary industrial and commercial enterprises, and therefore could not with the "equal competition". Therefore, the farmer cooperatives need external economic strength of support, can under the conditions of market economy survive and participate in the competition. This kind of external economic power mainly comes from two aspects, one is the government support, 2 it is social donation. For farmers have the survival significance of cooperatives is the government's support, including legislative support, finance and tax policy, and the financial support and preferential credit of government organized, and so on.

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