
Talk by railway

To complete investigation the truth, to start accountability mechanism, to break between the railway system one 7 · 23 "move the car tracing cauda tragedy happened so far, has been more a week. Although finally released the results of the survey is yet to be more time, but according to both reports and railway, and other aspects of the information can be judged, accident originated mainly from" cases ", not "natural". Premier wen jiabao on July 28 to wenzhou, and families dead dialogue, and close to the scene of the accident met with Chinese and foreign reporters, ask a probe the accident, to the public a "sincere and responsible account". The move by the public and the media car accident increasing concern recently reported that news more open, transparent, some of the key accident information released gradually, the public and public opinion there are some discussion and even doubt, criticism. Power guidelines, and this is the norm of modern society, to improve the government credibility, the promotion of the railway system reform, is a good thing. Public criticism and the suggestion, it is the power of the reform.Now look, the event had two principal deserves reflection: the first is how to a comprehensive investigation, make clear the truth, and on the basis of start accountability mechanism; Two is to accelerate the railway system reform,New Era Hats adjust to institutions as the breakthrough, promote the railway system "separation" "management office separation" reform. Is accountability is concerned, the most important is to find out the truth and public as soon as possible. Long the world has passed away. But, these innocent life lost, need a "sincere and responsible account". Those who be worth green young life, those starving babies, the parents without children, those in mischief hasft wings family, were required to find out the truth and the responsible to justice. At present, as the state council departments of mor and railway operation and the responsible departments of the accident cause investigation and deal with difficult to have credibility. Therefore, in order to open, transparent as the goal, abandon the old "internal investigation, afterwards bulletin" approach, the response of the public concerns, in the "save first, compensation in place", under the premise of should absorb experts and public representatives involved in accident investigation, timely survey released the latest progress and conclusion, timely start accident accountability procedures. To investigate the accident, the whole process must open and transparent investigation. At the same time, as some of the constitutional scholars advice, but quoted the "constitution" to article 71, the National People's Congress or the standing committee of the National People's Congress on the accident investigation committee established special, widely collect all aspects of information, develop independent, neutral survey, the results to the public. This attempt, in the law have the process security, some local precedent for success. That year "sun zhi-gang" occurs, also have scholars call for a special investigation committee established the National People's Congress, XiHu fails to become reality. The public and the academic circle are looking forward to the move the car accident can "wake up" years of the "constitution" deep sleep article 71, let the National People's Congress or the standing committee of the National People's Congress in particular issues, and broad public dialogue, to perform the administrative organs of the supervisory responsibilities. Reflect on another, the accident once again that railway system reform is imminent. The accident. On the surface is the signal system caused by fault, but in fact is long-term indistinction between the railway system, low efficiency of system design. The accident on the railway system reform again the alarm bell: the light to seek speed, not reform, will have a great things. This year after the Spring Festival, the former minister liu zhijun was found, the publisher has published an editorial "railway of reform cost" (see this 2011, 18 (1)) points out: the both government and enterprise still dual functions, is the industry competent administrative department, and direct management the railway transport enterprise, decision making process cumbersome and "YiYanTang", in operation on expression is "soft budget constraint", the investment risk no clear subject, its mechanism and China gradually turned to the market system supporting the integral pattern of highly. The accident is the price of blood to proof, if no railway management system of the fundamental reform, if cannot effect a radical cure railway system indistinction between the management office, regardless of the illness, it is difficult to put an end to such accidents. As liu zhijun step down, railway system of anti-corruption is developing in depth, railway construction and development strategy also faces to adjust; At the same time, the railway system reform is also carries forward, originally from belongs to the ministry carries institutions, is being detachment. This is in the right direction, take the first step. Ll railway reform, both operating system reform,buy sunglasses including investment and financing system reform, and separation reform as the first step. To do the separation of feasible strategy is the "big traffic" framework, on the future of reform of the state council bodies, to merge into the department of transportation, to plan as a whole highway, air and water, railways and other management. At the same time, take the institutional reform of the advance traffic management system reform. Railway shall be the direction of the reform of economics-conflicts designation: in the future, the government should not to directly used as operators, investment and financing the main body, must pain determined to achieve separation, and to let go of market access and regulatory monopoly enterprises as the core, established a fair market competition rules. After the reform, the duty of the government to focus on supervision and monopoly enterprises, the maintenance of market order, to ensure the universal service and railway safety operation. The moving car tracing cauda accidents, and its relatives and friends to dead is a tragedy, to those in power is undoubtedly a class teaching is profound. Whether the accident investigation and accountability, or further reform of the system of the railroad, shall be for the people responsible and reconstruction in the premise of the government credibility, to, make fundamental adjustment. Let's wait and see.

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