
For hangzhou "your city" century lian hua say a few words to be fair

Prepaid about negative effect, more in order to XuFuJi sugar suspected of parity for example extreme, then spit in the slot, such as with "I × check" software that a relatively more expensive lianhua and commodity...... It's like a premeditated or nearly ignorant "hunt" impulse. ?News articles on a net friend to post, she respectively in hangzhou auchan (29.8 yuan/kg) and lianhua (55.8 / kg) bought XuFuJi XiangPiTang, price by one times. The news was the network crazy. Have not confirmed samples and commodity prices, the news source quoted very rude. ?From pricing common sense to see,new era hats lianhua probably won't stupid enough to have common famous brand goods sell candy to the market value of two times. An option that contrast, in clap nets, taobao with product, unit price more than 37 yuan/kg, and extra express cost 10-20 yuan. ?I find news source refers to the coming two photographs, found a catch in it. "Low price" is the tag, auchan * (blank) candy, "high" lian hua is super candy. In the period of validity of the price tag auchan, processing date jan. 7, 2012, the effective date on January 14, 2012, the existing shelf life seven days, and XuFuJi such candy warranty usually in the 18 to 24 months, or this is a quick overdue of "near the product" special treatment, or a price tag is false. ??????The manuscript allegedly consumer reflects "a sunshine, lianhua LiQun than your $50, with tesco what?" Three years ago the state "smoking ban" comes into force, including tesco,discount sunglasses all foreign supermarket exit tobacco business, so tesco store of smoke to have also can only be the periphery of the individual merchant. The price was the only the condition assumptions is LiQun when prices to buy lianhua, etc in tesco store have depreciated by take the soho, absurd charges, when smokers is an idiot. ?Part of the lianhua supermarket commodity prices partial expensive, of which the enterprise of prepaid consumption revenue many scale, but seek truth from facts said: it has a lot of your goods, also have cheap goods, but not monopoly, it is a complete business market, have their own competitive, plan as a whole the pricing system, it also need public speech fair and specific view. ?With a real data to evaluate individual overall price system, is irresponsible, such as MangRenMoXiang. "I * check" versus the mobile software, with price control bureau announced major consumer goods prices regularly system almost. The first with the name of the science and technology, the latter have administrative care, and indeed all the one-sided understanding of the market. A large supermarkets, tens of thousands of category, individual sensitive products a day ten price, if by a software will get it done, that even the stores to compete with every copy of employees do stores price? ?Consumer shopping experience is a talent for human rights, but many the layman's hand painting feet rather far-fetched. ?I can guarantee that, even if is the leading wal-mart or arden supermarket, is impossible to the commodity prices below category peers. Even if is the price of eggs to uncertainty retired old man, also dare not say he really think lianhua have even over 50 commodity prices above with lots of other supermarket store 10%. Certain price range difference, far cannot impact on customer's latest convenience and commodity demand such as abundance. ?Lianhua supermarket in real costs, may be gifts, import food section, or is it high-end retailing store citylife products, but these consumption are not the mainstream consumer goods, they target customers more CARDS is consumer. ?If all the prepaid, lianhua but is a little accomplice; No lianhua, there will be dahua or wah. The article accused lianhua kidnapped with prepaid consumer, I wonder: if it is to show the government corruption, it is but a small way, the subject is briber and corrupt officials, fundamental need to source; If is to point to the welfare enterprises and units, see in the lianhua nearly 50 companies in hangzhou city is one of the network's sake, you have reason to issue a only one or two store carrefour or wal-mart?

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