
Market regulation in love the government supervision and divorce

January 13,, Shanghai some law firm joint Beijing some industry organization issued the Chinese retailers supplier legal relationship survey report. The report is currently existing retailers "problem" disclosure, and points out that the retailers are "seven", such as zhang) long, BaoDe rebate, strongly receives the promotion cost, default payment for goods, the supplier contract debits, goods return, forced suppliers sign not equal terms. ?At the same time, the report also suggested: the supplier into super should be cautious and retailers, retailers will strengthen the social responsibility of the enterprise has the cultural construction, government departments will be hit retail enterprise many kinds of violations as a long-term mechanism to grasp. ?I'm dumbfounded, wondering if like hell is year after year,dc hats today's special: China's reform and opening up, the rich strong nations are 33 years, how are people miss the egalitarian practice of ShangLi when people? "Su ning carrefour sell five ministries declared by the" wind "another shoe" is still without falling off, of the corner that he will move the ants. This report party, the relevant government departments scurrying to suck up, trying to please the suppliers, rough accused retailers, in fact not understand any side of the mind and real situation, let alone adjustment Suggestions retailer-supplier relationship; If not lonely unmanned, sensationalistic, is very silly good naive. ?If the market economy of relatively strong performance as enterprise "sin" and simply copy the extensive, lagging behind the laws and regulations to molesting the retailer-supplier relationship with Chinese characteristics, is undoubtedly take the standard to set cup coffee machine, wear slippers to take the true ice. To get into trouble! ?The contracted spirit is an important part of the market economy, both sides signed cooperation why, how to sign, sign in to what extent, joy, patience things each other what, this is all you feeling I would, again no tired is also the week yu play HuangGai, it is to make your own money--to take care of his family, employees and customers. Your the hand of government regulation to retailer-supplier relationship, let retailers settling, this is the real damage zero for harmony! Existence namely reasonable, China retailer-supplier relationship development so far, and rough, vulnerable, also is the market's hand, it inner balance and interesting "game" perfect, if you live together peacefully, LuBuSheYi YeBuBiHu, that and QingDeng gu fo any different? ?Ever the supplier of Louis vuitton, chanel, p&g, Coca Cola, SONY, apple, etc? Louis vuitton let a hangzhou high-end department store ZhuangXiuFei out 150 million yuan, helping to avoid two offices, the department also joy bloom later proved to be a win-win situation; Chanel, almost all stores will reshipment facade, always good to discuss; P&g products in China any supermarket sells is the most significant position and less return point, many retail enterprise old total, manager all its love-hate intertwined, but dare not cherish from gross margin, away from p&g. ?Retail business, to rational competition don't whole dharmadhatu, retailer-supplier relationship to energy don't mother-in-law mother, related industry gradually shift ascension, to allow a 35 years of selective perfect. China's five thousand economic, political, human nature history tells us: forced love does not last, the son of treacherous court official lantern rob close is often ZhongLiang killed after, it became the wind and rain; Eluded the business people do, losing money business no one, zero for both sides is business is business, and many of the stores and manufacturers, both have consideration, thinking; No diplomatic contribution, and small and medium-sized enterprise market pricing ability is bad (including medium and small retailers face large suppliers of compromise), YaoChenWei Po fans never, put a fart can be turned to cranny (supplier of the goods so badly spread over the great river north and south, earn basin full port excessive). ?To men and women relation terms, the government law enforcement agencies covered is "marriage law" mediation range, the less than "love" and "husband and wife life". Retail industry organizations and law firms and so on, is the third party to objective, and to do zero for both sides friends,wholesale nfl jerseys sometimes GuanQi silence, and sometimes GeXi points to sit, sometimes well-meaning, must not "third party reach" good panic. ?United business net friend "laughter wheat" was once in the league business the comment "the clear-cut force by solving a market retailer-supplier relationship" after the message: "in fact retailers is a shoeshine, leather shoes to wear in the manufacturers, retailers, and the requirements on foot collection points, the result is said to shoeshine shop....... QiKe big part the manufacturers think in the shoeshine done suffered wrote to the requirements, they had to wipe shoemaker, it looked at the complaint, might also want to have economic interests, is ready to 'wrong in strong weak.......' manufacturers and tell people that money back is the big ye, his shoe the where make too I, Lao tze MingLi early community packed......" ?Though not necessarily do such as laugh Michael says, but suppliers generally higher than retailers relative profits are facts. Area of leading retailers (not including real estate section) net profit but 2%-6%, fujian sweets industry top 20 manufacturers in more than 10% more than net. ?Than world retail, the retail was very young, retailer-supplier relationship various order, the kernel is savage growth. Like a group of two to seven children, 2 years old boy is always looking for 3, 4 years old children play with, 3, 4 years old the child wasn't willing to-they always find six, seven children play with; 6, 7 years old children like to play and peer, occasionally still willing to take take 2 years old children, then 3, 4 years old kids like to play with children and two years old, because there are six, seven children in. The child's world, have their primitive impulse and internal rules, both pure and cruel, others worry too much inconvenience, interference, otherwise will be insolent but useless. ?China retailer-supplier relationship, solving by market, to let the other hand ", "the other one mouth" go away. ?

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