
The primary victory at romney or can get good grades

Republican presidential primary election in the local time is 3, the curtain in Iowa, before elections in the last moment, the republican party still present stalemate state. But analysts pointed out, Mr Romney is likely in the upcoming primaries got good results, but republican leads to the White House but the way of the future still unclear.dc hats Iowa is the party of the presidential campaign and the first stop in its general election time than other states to early for a week or so, also known as the leader of the election. Iowa caucus is taken of the primary forms that more like congress debates, attend the meeting of the debate over the party members, and looking for a compromise, finally unification opinion, could produce candidates, campaign form open, but because there is not vote, so the caucus variable primary is great. At present, the republican presidential campaign in the popular figures gathered in Iowa, most of the candidates also choose spent victory in New Year, catch up on a second for votes. Campaign big popular, Massachusetts governor mitt romney stressed that he is the most hope over Obama's republican candidates, hope that voters can see clearly this, choose him to challenge Democrats; Former senator and TuoLuo mulberry's are opposed to mitt romney this "utilitarian" speech, said that despite the win over barack Obama is very important, but the voters should listen to "the call of the heart," vote for they think that the "right person." But first ZhongYiChang gingrich, Congressman Bach mann, also in succession came to Iowa candidates campaigning. In the primaries before you begin, polls show,polarized sunglasses romney at present the primary victory in polls in a leading position, approval rating reached 24%. And in the number two is Congressman RON? Paul approval rating is 22%, and the third is the conservative, former senator mulberry TuoLuo mu. And according to projections, mulberry TuoLuo's victory in approval ratings are rising, is likely to come, not only is likely more than RON? Paul's approval rating, and may put romney support from the location of the first pull down on. After being the first approval ratings of the gingrich because of a scandal, campaign finance than party put the cause, victory in only about 12% approval rating in, and former governor of Texas, rick? Perry, Bach, etc) to support for romney to wait for a few people a threat. Has not held primaries, there have been analysts pointed out that, in the competition for the republican presidential nomination battle, romney campaign is now gradually look good. Even if romney can't victory in primaries in the upper hand, but the second being the is a problem. After the victory in the primaries, and then the primary vote will form is New Hampshire, romney's approval ratings in the state's far ahead, win New Hampshire is almost in the bag. If the first campaign to win, and win New Hampshire, even win two states will be great appeal to voters. In addition, romney in Massachusetts, south Carolina republican voters in states such as is also high cry, in some key states could and should be a badge. However, Mr Romney also has its own "soft rib", its position in the party and questioned by even opposition, especially in the medical insurance reform issue, romney in Massachusetts governor take the lead in put out a cure of the scheme, the policies and current President Obama almost uniform, but also brings in many republicans questioned. In addition, romney had legalized abortion advocates, this also with republican conservatives view of them. Therefore, in the election debate when romney often becomes the focus of the target candidates opened fire. Media observers, romney if will be called republican candidate for President, the need to "go over the conservative dashan", and this task quite formidable. A republican conservative voters said: "Mr Romney is not my first choice, even the second choice also not be, if finally he and Obama will have to battle, I cast his vote." How to let himself into the most visible at the "first choice" voters, romney speaking to be a difficult task. Republican primary aim is end of the presidential election, and in the republican primaries will be unveiled, the Democrats are also "taut nerve" nervously watching the party. And in the primaries outside, both parties have also quietly began to competition. A source says Obama has confirmed the campaign strategy. It is one side continue to improve the economy, side against republican democratic-controlled congress the house of representatives, to push his approval ratings. But republicans have also started finishing Obama's words, video, to take this find Obama "duplicity", "ShiYanErFei" act, to show people how Obama fails to fulfill his campaign promises. While a poll shows, if romney and barack Obama running for President, Mr Romney still has great hope over Obama. But there are also think-tank personage points out, since end last year, the American economic situation hold up well, the unemployment rate decrease, these are beneficial to the democratic race factor. Experts "bring up" said that in the first term of Clinton, also criticized the first three years, but Clinton is found in the 1996 presidential election force, finally able to continuously. As long as Obama continue to take steps to keep the steady economic growth, there are also hope to get the support of the people again. In addition, analytic personage points out,discount nfl jerseys the republican primary is for over 10 years will be the most intense, the most difficult to judge primary election, is still in the situation of infighting, even if romney call is very high, but approval ratings always just hovering around 25%, and the proof to find out is enormously popular republican candidates to and Obama JiaoBan. But Mr Obama is now also still facing economic problems, diplomatic problem challenge, so in the end of the prior to the elections, the two parties will have a daniele arrigoni.

