
A Canadian man to tablet computer when passport smoothly into the United States

Arriving on January 4, Toronto, Canada a man would be left in a passport home, they found that can use his apple tablet computer through the customs entry into the USA. The name of the man says Lyons last Friday, he has to drive from their own living in southern Quebec to distance vermont still half an hour drive from the border,polarized sunglasses where killer passport still stay in the home. He then remember once will scan copy stored in his passport on the tablet computer, so want to try whether can be used to pass, and don't have to drive two hours home take passport. 33 years old to the customs officials explain themselves Lyons situation, the other party took him flat computers and his driver's license into border agency, about 5 minutes back, said can make him entry, and wishes he happy holidays. The United States customs border protection agency that will accept hold passports,cheap oakley sunglasses strengthen the version of the driver's license or related identity documents by the Canadian citizens land entry into the USA, but it did not mention scan and copy kind of files. The JiaTongShe quoted here new democratic Congressman massey's words, the border has more than 10 years, and has never heard such things. It could be said that quite lucky Lyons. Massey and puts forward troubling security problems, because in the passport scan copy material and picture, a primary school students know how to change. Canada border services authority said,baseball sunglasses Canadian citizens and permanent residents home, can provide to the customs of the identity documents has a variety of, passport is just one of them, the Canadian born paper and citizen card is one of the approval document. When asked about Lyons incident, agency spokesman declined to comment.

