
Hamas leaders attacked gaza aid ships visit

Is Turkey Palestinian islamic resistance movement visit (hamas) leaders ismail haniya 2, a ship visit participated in the 2010 aid gaza international fleet of Turkish ship. Israeli navy on May 31, 2010 force intercepted a attempts to break the Israeli blockade, to the Palestinian gaza aid delivery international fleet. Israeli soldiers forced the fleet of the "MaWei · marmaray" number and those on board,snapback hats and the conflict, killed nine turks. He was 2, visit "MaWei · marmaray" date, hundreds of aid to gaza campaign supporters there, waving a Palestinian flags and chanted "welcome hamas" and "resistance to continue slogans such as". "Israel...... can be said to be have prevented" MaWei · marmaray "th arrived in gaza, but now the gaza and" MaWei · marmaray "th meeting," ismail haniya said. Ismail haniya Israeli attacks with the family members of the deceased and thanks to the event for the support of the Palestinian earthwork. Incoming ship events further deterioration Turkey diplomatic relations with Israel, Israel has so far refused to apologize to Turkey. The Turkish government is still looking for mediation with Palestinian hamas other important political factions and the national liberation movement (fatah),cheap oakley sunglasses the relation between the two factions to promote reconciliation. Hamas and fatah in 2007 in the gaza strip massive conflict. Hamas took control of gaza, fatah, withdraw into the west bank. Israeli blockade of the gaza strip later. Although the Israeli blockade in recent years in the international social pressure eased, but still adhere to a strict sea blockade policy. Ismail haniya, December 25, 2011 from the gaza strip,nba jerseys go out to visit. This is his first visit since 2007, visit to Egypt, Turkey, Qatar, Tunisia and bahrain and other countries. He was the office personnel said previously, the visit one of the aims is to strive for aid.

