
The growth has to experience a painful flounder

The growth has to experience pain and sufferings and struggle a boy alone and play on the lawn, suddenly he discovered a chrysalis, he feels very fresh, bring back the house to it.Led for several days, he discovered appeared together very small crack on the chrysalis,Football hats inside still have a very small thing is moving.Again lead several day, the crack is big some, he just see pure, originally in is a butterfly he patiently looking at a butterfly in a side at in flounder, already Zheng quite a few hour, its body's seeming is blocked, always is not.The little boy is getting more hasty, also is more some than heart cant not bear to, hence,beautiful Mens Burberry SunGlasses he goes fetch a pair of scissors and slightly cuts open chrysalis hull, the butterfly took off chrysalis but.The little boy slightly loosenned tone.But, the body of this butterfly is swollen, wing crone, basically fly not to get up, soon depart from this life.

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