
The love of not acclimatized

Not acclimatized of the love rice Nuo is wrapped up naked body with the bed sheet, the hair in great disorderly covers with to spread on the shoulder, is small to rush out from the bedroom in barefoot Ya, the way south is wearing a shoes in the entrance, become overdo to see the rice Nuo sign at after death and after death, the way south turns round, like this captivating, he an once pulled rice Nuo to lower the head to hug and kiss.The rice Nuo is red small face, raised to managed a reason way the tie of the south, H'm, careful on the road.The rice Nuo lies silly smile on the bed.She arrives at Shenzhen like this and arrives at a place that the southern work lives.Yesterday, was her to appear airport in Shenzhen, when the traveller exit sees one southern, she who lift a traveller box just truely realizes that the feet step of this was square hot soil, is that she is distracted.The way south far and far sees her, close lightly a mouth and smiles.The way is southern to feel that her hand is shivering while once connecting the baggage of rice Nuo.Because of the love, the rice Nuo arrives at Shenzhen from a small city of north.Way south says in the telephone, I hope my all everythingses can have you to share with me.Such a words, rice Nuo packs luggage to go straight to Shenzhen on the second day.One year ago, the way south is on business the city of rice Nuo place,oakley sunglasses discount the rice Nuo is the representative of a southern customer's company, way south not only succeed the contract in label, connect the heart of rice Nuo also along together win to walk.Be beautiful apart from the creation, the rice Nuo in no case will believe the words that comforts by one's own.Love, should be even if day again busy also ability two people have breakfast together.The north that leaves a growth for the first time, the rice Nuo has never felt to be rattled, because she believes firmly, there is love, what all not afraid.Have never worked to have no friend, the rice Nuo hides in the home to see a disc, sometimes a person goes shopping, Starbucks is usually the place that she stays for a while, one cup delicious card cloth its promise can make her daze the whole afternoon in Starbucks.South, I go out a work, very not?The way south is turning over a lately car magazine, nestle at him nearby of the rice Nuo sound out sex ground to ask.H'm?You not is say to want to take a rest for a while?How so quick want to work?Way southern high eyebrow.I, foolish too stuffy in the home.The rice Nuo Du wears mouth., Is have no companion, trust, I the class will come back to keep you company for a while every day, again say, I again not is keep not rise you, at outside work will very hard, I am knowing painful dead.The way south lets go of the magazine in the hand and kneaded the chin of kneading the rice Nuo.Rice Nuo in addition to know one way the south is a some IT company of two handle knobs, also know that his mother and younger sister are in Hong Kong, his father died, was a mother to pull and drag he and younger sister to grow up in childhood, the way south has been a son who showed filial obedience.But for the business of feelings, the way south never once said to her.The rice Nuo feels a nothing important and anyway had nothing to do with her in the past, as long as he is a single now of have to, at the time that south meant to say the way's nature would say with her.Before down, the telephone bell ring of the room inside your work, the way south answered a telephone, then since the bed sprang up, Be wearing clothes and saying with rice Nuo, I friend's point matter, I want to go out a short while, you sleep first.Then take key to in a hurry go out.Leaving rice Nuo to stare at that telephone is stunned.Way south this goes to the second day dawn just come back, the way south once made a phone call to the rice Nuo and told her him to have already gone to work in the company in the daytime before rice Nuo has been already slept, at that time and attended social parties in the evening will late order just go home.The rice Nuo disagrees.From that diva, way south usually with work overtime or social parties is from, would not° until dawn go home.Whenever he silently the body take out to walk the couch pillow of the bosom of rice Nuo, then embrace rice Nuo tightly in the bosom and deeply sigh to send out from the throat of the way south deep place.He doesn't know that the rice Nuo basically didn't fall asleep.When one day the door bell rang out, was being devoted to the rice Nuo before computer to think to is a south to forget to take key, interest blunt blunt the ground run to open the door, door outside but stand a woman of pregnancy, she conjectured rice Nuo cap-a-pie 1 time, then selfishly walk into a house.Can not see clearly, you still have a pair of skillful hands, decoration pour to pretty have personal status.The woman isn't specially beautiful, but has a kind of first voice the Duo person's vehemence.Who are you ?The rice Nuo faces a woman Duo Duo pressing double of eyes.Say, how much are you?The woman falls on the leather sofa and with grace starts to raise high legs.The rice Nuo feels a burst of disgusting.She loves a south, ignore he is the fiance that isn't other people, but the kid of at the thought of belly inside of that woman is a south of, the heart of rice Nuo twists into one regiment, thought of a way again south and that woman joys love of condition, the rice Nuo forbids not to live disgusted.The way south returns to a house, utter darkness in the house is one regiment, turn on a light and discover behind that the rice Nuo shrinks in the dime of sofa and remains tear stain on the face.How, what happened matter?The way south stretches hand to embrace rice Nuo, the rice Nuo conditioned reflex ground stays away.Tell my baby,cheap supreme hats actually took place what matter, H'm?Way the south Be gentle and softly thin to ask.Why do you want to deceive me?The rice Nuo You You ground says that the way south unexpectedly beats to have cold Zhan.In fact, I early want to say this matter with you of, but face you, I have been canning not open, sorry, really let a south to embrace rice Nuo and kiss her eye ear nose and mumblingly say.She is a my mother approved by His Majesty daughter-in-law, be high executive at Hong Kong's a foreign capital company, I hasn't been liking her that kind of the snob appeal of the woman entrepreneur, before you come to Shenzhen, I broke up with her, but had never thoughted her to have a kid, I make her beat, but she makes and has a suicide, my mother Zhao returned to Hong Kong and scolded me ruthlessly, and order me and choose a day and marry.There is no way, I have to speak your business way the south very heavily vomit a smoke turn, the rice Nuo sees him unexpectedly have profoundly helpless.Arrive at Shenzhen for three months, the rice Nuo has never well visited Shenzhen, she thinks future square long, she thinks that she will hold hands with way south each corner of walking Shenzhen.The rice Nuo finishes drinking an end one mouthful in Starbucks card cloth its promise, she feels very bitter and astringent.Led Anne to check, the rice Nuo turned head person's bearer of seeing one airport in eye Shenzhen to go toward and deeply take a suck at spirit again, towering to wait machine hall to walk.Her love hasn't acclimatized in Shenzhen, but love what kind of a looks no one can can see clearly.

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