
Love, fly to heaven

Love, fly to heaven this...This sends to you.This is the girl don't know which the time sent a gift to the boy.Each time, the boys all meet expressionless receive, but girl, awkward and shily left, cheeks well Be getting more thoroughly cooked of apple.Ha ha, did he receive again, he doesn't dislike me.Girl's in the mind has already been like to infuse honey.But Dong, but the elegant gift is accurate to without any error enter garbage can, is like a forsaken kid, quietly waits for trampling upon of destiny after the girl left.Boy, still so noodles have no facial expression, who also can not guess his in the mind exactly is just thinking what., Handsomely!Do I still think that he wants to receive the gift of that dead wench!See to our white worry a !You this isn't the useless talk, does grass in the iceberg school of our school how can have a liking for a witless young girl?To,oakley polarized is that wench to consider as correct just.Hide girl's canthus that peeps in the corner of wall to slip the next pure tears:Why?Does he why want to throw away?The gift that I sent before has he already thrown away?Does the gift that I send really have to so make people dislike?Do I really and so make people dislike?Who could not notice as well, boy's using remaining of canthus only has been observing the girl's each and every move...Finally, the girl cannot helped but any further and came forward to loudly query a boy:I didn't so make people dislike?Even if the gift that don't like that I send, brush-off can also, now that receive, why want to throw away?I like you, I like you, do you know?Throw away a moment of gift at you, my heart's imitating a Buddha is also thrown away by you, it tells me it to is very painful!Are you a rock?Does a little feelings all have no?Say, the girl stretches hand preparation the slap is to the boy, but, raiseses a half, stop next, she stills cans not go down a hand.Falling in love with a person is so easy, but gives up a person is so difficult.This was the boy to open mouth:Since send mine, so I have power to throw away.The girl is interrogative:Send his gift, also have my heart!So, did he connect my hearts to all throw together away?Was his meaning a turn me down?Throw of away and also include my heart?...Or have no the facial expression of facial expression don't answer even if is recognize tacitly?This afternoon releases from school, the park doorway of opposite in the school sees!The girl put on tears to rush out classroom.Seem in the boy's eyes flash across one silk is helpless and don't give up, but just for an instant.Later on again drive his placard facial expression act for.On the second day, the girl didn't have a class.Just, the girl's friend takes a letter to arrive at the boy's class and entreats a boy to see this letter, let him all anyway wants to tear open to see and otherwise regrets.The boy tears open envelope, the girl tidy correct delineated style seems to be while showing host to create their he or shes of earnest:XX(the boy's name):When you see this letter, I probably have already arrived one to leave you didn't annoyed place very far, I will silently bless you over there.Still have, your apathetic personality can change, let none of a lot of girls dare to approach you!You so I how bless you happy?How to put again next heart?Yesterday from the your words inside I knew, you probably already don't care I, no matter my saving nonentity don't influence to you.However, this was the first time me ask others for help, is also the last time:Please must miss me!Which afraid just the thinking of of of classmate.Did I know that the meeting is very happy!Still have, the last, I love you...Yours:XXX(the girl's name) X year X month X day where is she ?It is inviting the park that you meet.The boy went crazy the ground hurtle into that park and seem night a will lose important thing.Be like indeed as expected the boy's not known prepare feeling.By the side of front door in the park, lay a female corpse, but that female corpse is a girl...The boy was still a night one step.Simpleton, idiot, did I suffer from cancer to accept how you can give you happy again for later period?The boy walks to come forward and by hand point lightly hand a girl be mown to break of wrist.Do you know?In one year ago, I notice a small and weak[one] person of girl to take broom to beat with so many litter bag hard workings, a little girl and friends to make in the classroom, a little girl is frightenned by the rat hide in the corner of wall once in a very long while don't dare to move.But that little girl one day the beginning send gift for me, you know I have much happy?But,new era snapback how can I accept again?I can not give you happy!The boy pickeds up later on the girl once used of the razor blade mow to own wrist.Do you know?I regretted that I regretted!So...Make me arrive that to didn't annoyed place with you together go to, we are always foolish over there, enjoy...Enjoy a happiness, happy.The boy finishes saying then and permanently shut last double eye...The blood of two people from inside in park blends together, forms together bright scenery in doorway in the park and has no a pedestrian to feel bloody.Because, that bloody flavor has already been come from heaven of happiness surround.Be infected pedestrian, from now on, this park disappears from the world.People say that this park has already been changed residence to heaven...

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