
We aren't wooden pails

We aren't a bully with a coward's heart wooden pail this matter, very quick spread in the forest for joke about.Tiger shame not is already, feel to lift not and at first, hence, hide the edge of forest.On this day, tiger and then in the grass cluster self-criticism oneself ever stupid behavior, he sees there is most wise black bear teacher in the forest take a few students is having an outing.The black bear teacher's side walks the side education pupils:A wooden pail can pack how much water, don't be decided by the wooden board that it grows most , but the shortest that tiger listenned to, in the heart working one Shan, become clear suddenly.Without fox the intelligence like that is exactly oneself's shortest the wooden board.The tiger decides to make up his/her own the blemish.From now on,oakley sunglasses discount in between while, his following black bear teacher's this Xi is various knowledge.The tiger is very assiduous hard working, gradually, his knowledge is more and more abundant.Along with study of gradual thorough, he discovers again, he still has many other shortcomings.Hence, he and then climb a tree to the monkey study, rush to the antelope study, dig soil each skill to the rat study, the tigers all learn quite goodly.From now on, the tiger is used as the animal of the forest inside most overall technical ability and spreads fame forest Kingdom.Afterwards, the tiger met fox again, he doesn't listen to the Qiao tongue of fox like Huang any further and ruthlessly punished fox.Tiger finally one before snow disgrace, he for himself at the beginning of the choice don't already is satisfied.But, one day, the tiger suffered two fierce leopard sons while catching to hunt, both parties took place vigorous combat.A few rounds come down, this tiger hurts next, lie at in the pool of blood.Because these in the last years, the tiger has been being occupied in to study various skill and tore the ability of biting the physical fight to on the contrary have no time training.A tiger, even if isn't as deceitful as fox, the not equal to monkey will climb a tree, the not equal to antelope runs quickly, and then has what relation!Want ~only its claw enough point, the tooth enough benefit, the slightest don't reduce the manner of its forest great king.Like Han Xin, need not meeting farmland;Zhuge Liang need not will go into business,Boston Celtics Snapback either;Chen Jing Zi You Xi Run, again what need the polished and elegant of buttering both sides of bread?A wooden pail can pack how much water, really be decided by its shortest the wooden board.But, we aren't wooden pails.Decide to be a person much and greatly achieved of, is the ability that he masters in most forever.If decide a mountain peak height of, is the rock of summit of hill forever.

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