
Next time it's my turn

Next time it's my turn a friend come to home chat and spoke of early on his elder sister to die.He says:I at the time that elder sister died, I cried really sadly, sad that the degree exceeded mother's dead of at the time that mama died I felt very interrogative and asked him:Isn't you and the elder sister's on friendly terms,oakley sunglasses for sale excel feelings between you and mother?He answered:Be not ah!Just my at the thought of elder sister died, next time it's my turn, the in the mind will feel sadness welling up, sad not already.Formerly while dying, the mother thoughts of to in the center still have an elder sister to block, not so quick it's my turn, the person who connects to block now also walked!Friend finishes saying,cheap Boston Celtics Snapback Hats our emotional stirringses are all very deep, silent sit opposite to drink tea.Life of impermanent really is such display of, be like river, each time one's sheding leaves will drop into river, so-called have a wise person isn't a deathless person, but have the person of awakening heart while seeing the defoliation dropping down.

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