

Alaska in the United States about lives 4000 palm tree bears.Every year summer, Michael Ni Er in Alaska the waterfalls of the river, then became the paradise of palm tree bear, a group of cluster of palm tree bear hunts to catch the salmon in the river under the waterfalls.General figure the huge palm tree bear self-reliance strength is always strong, can occupy better position.Because the salmon likes to jump up to the waterfalls upper stream, so that he/she acquires more oxygens.The palm tree bear then controled the characteristics of salmon,oakley polarized sunglasses this instinct, while the station is in the waterfalls upper stream and wait for a salmon jumping to arise from to move the mouth of sending to the palm tree bear in.But those figure smaller palm tree bear then can stand on worse position, or connect worse positions all round not up.They then think that the square tries to steal the war booty of eating the companion.Hence when figure the small palm tree bear again see the big palm tree bear of figure succeed in catching a salmon,cheap oakley sunglasses is weak of it then decides to strong start an attack.When the weak tries to approach strong, strong right away by instinct Zhang Kou return shot, result strong just on opening mouth, the salmon then dropped to river inside.The salmon been bitten was hurtled to°from the upper stream a station by the side of the weak feet of the downstream by river water, weak insist to turn round to escape a part to enjoy the United States the meal went.Originally, the weak didn't dare truely to strong launched an attack,dope snapback it only wanted that scaring is strong for a while, hopes to get its food in the mouth.Strong in the mind in fact also very understand, as long as it bites settle the food don't put, weak is not likely to hurt it, don't more impossibly rend away its food.But whenever the weak walks up it, strong then control not live own instinct to want Zhang Kou return shot, often let as a result weak successful.The weak is to make use of strong the weakness of this instinct, but became palm tree bear troops inside of the profession steal a food.

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